Updated 2023-10-13
    max(a.TX_HASH),max(a.BLOCK_NUMBER),max(a.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP),a.TO_ADDRESS as aa,max(a.input_data) FROM
    optimism.core.fact_transactions as a,
    optimism.core.fact_traces as b
    /* DATE(a.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) = '2023--02'
    and DATE(b.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) = '2023-08-02'
    and */substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '7ff36ab5'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '18cbafe5'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '38ed1739'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '791ac947'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != 'fb3bdb41'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != 'f305d719'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '8803dbee'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '5c11d795'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '4a25d94a'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != 'b6f9de95'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '5f575529'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != 'b6428a7a'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != 'e8e33700'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '9fbf10fc'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != 'c10bea5c'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '7c025200'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '23b872dd'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '60806040'

    and a.TX_HASH = b.TX_HASH
    and a.eth_VALUE = 0
    /* and b.to_address = '0x7f5c764cbc14f9669b88837ca1490cca17c31607'*/
    /* and substring(b.input, 35,40) != substring(b.from_address,3)*/
    and substring(b.input, 3, 8) = '23b872dd'

    and a.INPUT_DATA like concat('%', substring(b.input, 35,40), '%')
    and a.INPUT_DATA like concat('%', substring(b.input, 99,40), '%')
    and length(a.INPUT_DATA) > 138
    Run a query to Download Data