Updated 2024-10-25
    distinct a.to_address
    avalanche.core.fact_transactions as a,
    avalanche.core.fact_traces as b,
    avalanche.core.fact_token_transfers as c
    DATE(a.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) = '2024-10-24'
    and DATE(b.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) = '2024-10-24'
    /*a.block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - interval '60 day' */
    and a.TX_HASH = b.TX_HASH
    and b.TX_HASH = c.TX_HASH

    and substring(b.input, 3, 8) != substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8)
    and substring(b.input, 3, 8) != '00000000'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != 'b7d5e564'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '5e935362'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '3bc33417'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '9d55b53f'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '6a761202'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '7a9a1628'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != 'b88d4fde'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '1cff79cd'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '3f801f91'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != 'f242432a'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '59a4c24e'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '91aeeedc'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '26aa4655'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '59a4c24e'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != 'ab4ed83e'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != 'd1e30025'
    and substring(a.INPUT_DATA, 3, 8) != '5eaa9116'
    and a.INPUT_DATA like concat('%', substring(b.input, 3), '%')
    and a.INPUT_DATA like concat('%', substring(b.TO_ADDRESS, 3), '%')
    and a.TO_ADDRESS != b.TO_ADDRESS
    and b.from_address = a.to_address
    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived