0xaimanTop 5 Biggest LP with New Depositor
    Updated 2021-12-15
    with c as ( with a as(select to_address_name, origin_address,min(block_timestamp) as first --block_timestamp as t, TX_TO_ADDRESS_NAME as pool, event_inputs:user as sender --tx_to_label_subtype
    from ethereum.udm_events
    where to_label='sushiswap' AND TO_LABEL_SUBTYPE='pool' and
    origin_function_name='execute' and
    group by 1,2

    b as (
    select block_timestamp as t,to_address_name, origin_address --block_timestamp as t, TX_TO_ADDRESS_NAME as pool, event_inputs:user as sender --tx_to_label_subtype
    from ethereum.udm_events
    where to_label='sushiswap' AND TO_LABEL_SUBTYPE='pool' and


    select --date_trunc('day',t) as date,
    b.to_address_name, count ( distinct a.origin_address) as n_new_lp_depositor
    --sum(n_new_lp_depositor) OVER(ORDER BY date asc ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS cum_new_lp_depositor
    from A
    inner join b on a.first=b.T
    where t>'2021-11-15'

    group by 1 order by 2 desc),

    d as
    select to_address_name, count( origin_address) as n_user --block_timestamp as t, TX_TO_ADDRESS_NAME as pool, event_inputs:user as sender --tx_to_label_subtype
    from ethereum.udm_events
    where to_label='sushiswap' AND TO_LABEL_SUBTYPE='pool' and
    origin_function_name='execute' and
    group by 1 order by 1