KaskoazulNumber of contracts per protocol 161
    Updated 2022-03-08
    --Question 162: Based on your analysis for #161, provide the top 20 smart contract addresses that users interact with or the top 2 smart contract addresses per each of the protocols that you previously analyzed.
    --Grand prize-winning submissions will assess both!
    --Question 161: Assess the extent to which new users interact with each of the following projects. For Definition, clearly define what “interact with” means, e.g. “at least 1 transaction”, “at least 5 transactions”, etc.
    --Anchor, Mirror, Pylon, Astroport, Terraswap, Prism, Mars

    label as protocol,
    count(address) as contracts
    label IN ('anchor', 'mirror', 'pylon', 'astroport', 'terraswap', 'prism', 'mars')
    GROUP BY 1
    ORDER BY 2 desc

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