KaskoazulALGOFI current commitment
    Updated 2023-01-03
    --wallet creation
    with algofi_wallets as(
    select distinct p.receiver as governor
    from (
    select tx_group_id, sender, tx_message
    from algorand.application_call_transaction as a
    where app_id = '465814318'
    and try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) = 'Market: mt'
    ) as a
    join algorand.payment_transaction as p on a.tx_group_id = p.tx_group_id

    --getting all commitments from the created gard wallets
    all_commitments as(
    select block_timestamp, tx_group_id, pay.sender, replace(replace(try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string)::string,'af/gov1:j{"com":')::string,'}')/ pow(10,6) as commit_amount from algofi_wallets wal
    left join algorand.payment_transaction pay
    on wal.governor = pay.sender
    try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string)::string like 'af/gov1:j{"com":%'
    and block_timestamp::date > '2022-06-28'
    --selecting their most recent commitment
    most_recent_commitment as (
    select * from all_commitments
    where block_timestamp in (select max(block_timestamp) from all_commitments group by sender)
    --filtering out the wallets that have a balance less than the committed amount
    governor_list as (
    select case
    when commit_amount <= acc.balance then 'ELIGIBLE'
    when commit_amount > acc.balance then 'UNDERFUNDED'
    else 'ERROR'
    end as status,
    com.sender as account_address,
    com.block_timestamp::date as registered,
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