KaskoazulTerra Failure days bot/ vs human
    Updated 2022-03-21
    with USER_TYPE as (
    select date_trunc ('month', block_timestamp) as fecha,
    count(distinct tx_id) as interactions,
    case when interactions >= 300 then 'BOT'
    else 'HUMAN' end as type,
    tx_from as users
    from terra.transactions
    where --fecha >= '2021-11-01'
    --and fecha < '2022-03-20'
    fecha >= '2022-03-01'
    group by fecha, users
    select block_timestamp::date as fecha,
    count(distinct tx_id) as successful_bots_txs,
    ut.type as user
    from terra.transactions t
    left join USER_TYPE ut
    on t.tx_from = ut.users
    where fecha >= '2021-11-01'
    and fecha < '2022-03-20'
    and tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
    and user = 'BOT'
    group by 1,3

    FAILED_BOTS as (
    select block_timestamp::date as fecha,
    count(distinct tx_id) as failed_bots_txs,
    ut.type as user
    from terra.transactions t
    left join USER_TYPE ut
    on t.tx_from = ut.users
    where fecha >= '2021-11-01'
    and fecha < '2022-03-20'
    Run a query to Download Data