KaskoazulAnchor Collateral Event type 90 days
    Updated 2022-02-02
    --140. Anchor Collateralization
    --How much of the collateral provided on Anchor is bLUNA vs. bETH? How has this changed over the past 90 days?

    select date_trunc('DAY', block_timestamp) as DATE, 'provide' as event_type, 'bETH mmCustody' as contract_label, sum(amount_usd) as USD, count(tx_id) as Transactions, USD/Transactions as USD_per_transaction
    from anchor.collateral
    where event_type = 'provide' AND contract_label = 'bETH mmCustody'
    union select date_trunc('DAY', block_timestamp) as DATE,'provide' as event_type, 'bLuna Custody' as contract_label, sum(amount_usd) as USD, count(tx_id) as Transactions, USD/Transactions as USD_per_transaction
    from anchor.collateral
    where event_type = 'provide' AND contract_label = 'bLuna Custody' AND DATE > CURRENT_DATE - 90
    select date_trunc('DAY', block_timestamp) as DATE, 'withdraw' as event_type, 'bETH mmCustody' as contract_label, sum(amount_usd) as USD, count(tx_id) as Transactions, USD/Transactions as USD_per_transaction
    from anchor.collateral
    where event_type = 'withdraw' AND contract_label = 'bETH mmCustody'
    union select date_trunc('DAY', block_timestamp) as DATE, 'withdraw' as event_type, 'bLuna Custody' as contract_label, sum(amount_usd) as USD, count(tx_id) as Transactions, USD/Transactions as USD_per_transaction
    from anchor.collateral
    where event_type = 'withdraw' AND contract_label = 'bLuna Custody' AND DATE > CURRENT_DATE - 90

    TOTAL as (
    select DATE, event_type, contract_label, USD, Transactions, USD_per_transaction from COLLATERAL_PROVIDE
    select DATE, event_type, contract_label, USD, Transactions, USD_per_transaction from COLLATERAL_WITHDRAW
    select * from TOTAL ORDER BY 2, 3 desc
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