KaskoazulQuery 4 - First transaction swaps follow up type
    Updated 2023-01-04
    with prices as (
    select date_trunc('hour', recorded_at) as fecha,
    avg (price) as avg_price
    from osmosis.core.dim_prices
    group by 1,2

    swaps_temp as (
    select s.block_timestamp,
    s.trader as address,
    l.project_name as symbol_from,
    s.from_amount / pow(10,s.from_decimal) as amount_from,
    case symbol_from
    when 'USDC' then amount_from
    when 'USDC.grv' then amount_from
    when 'DAI' then amount_from
    else amount_from * p.avg_price
    end as amount_from_usd,
    s.to_amount / pow(10,s.to_decimal) as amount_to
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps s
    left join osmosis.core.dim_labels l
    on s.from_currency = l.address
    left join prices p
    on l.project_name = p.symbol and date_trunc('hour', s.block_timestamp) = p.fecha
    where s.tx_succeeded = TRUE
    and s.block_timestamp <= '2022-12-31'
    and s.block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'

    swaps_full as (
    select st.block_timestamp,
    'SWAP' as type,
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