KaskoazulNEAR R2: Proposals Stats
    Updated 2022-08-02
    with votes_raw as (
    select fc.tx_hash
    ,parse_json(fc.args):id as proposal
    ,parse_json(fc.args):action as vote
    ,t.tx_receiver as proposer
    ,t.tx_signer as voter,
    concat (proposer, ' #', proposal) as unique_id
    from near.core.fact_actions_events_function_call fc
    join near.core.fact_transactions t
    on fc.tx_hash = t.tx_hash
    where method_name = 'act_proposal' --and args:id = 13
    and deposit = 0

    select count (unique_id) as number_of_proposals,
    count (distinct proposer) as unique_proposers,
    count (distinct voter) as unique_participants
    from votes_raw
    Run a query to Download Data