KaskoazulAlgorand x FIFA Partnership
    Updated 2022-05-11
    WITH count_new_wallets_FIFA_week AS (
    SELECT date_trunc('hour', B.block_timestamp) as fecha,
    count(distinct A.address) as New_addresses
    FROM algorand.account A
    INNER JOIN algorand.block B
    ON A.created_at = B.block_id
    WHERE fecha >= '2022-05-02' and fecha < '2022-05-11'
    group by fecha
    order by fecha

    count_active_wallets_FIFA_week AS (
    select date_trunc('hour', block_timestamp) as fecha,
    count (distinct sender) as active_addresses
    FROM algorand.payment_transaction
    WHERE fecha >= '2022-05-02' and fecha < '2022-05-11'
    group by fecha
    order by fecha

    new_wallets_FIFA_week AS (
    SELECT A.address as New_addresses
    FROM algorand.account A
    INNER JOIN algorand.block B
    ON A.created_at = B.block_id
    WHERE block_timestamp >= '2022-05-02' and block_timestamp < '2022-05-11'
    group by 1

    active_wallets_FIFA_week AS (
    select sender as active_addresses
    FROM algorand.payment_transaction
    WHERE block_timestamp >= '2022-05-02' and block_timestamp < '2022-05-11'
    group by 1

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