MultipartiteChain origins of (currently-under-100k-RUNE pools) cumulative liquidity fees (in RUNE)
    Updated 2024-01-21
    -- forked from Chain origins of cumulative liquidity fees (in RUNE) @

    This is counting from the block which had the first synth transaction.

    Notable blocks:

    4610718 (2022-03-09): First synth transaction (Mimir MaxSynthPerAssetDepth 500 = 5%).
    4897156 (2022-03-29): Mimir MaxSynthPerAssetDepth 1500 = 15%
    4931416 (2022-04-01): Mimir VirtualMultSynths set as 1 (to prevent front-running, discovered by Bas1c; overrides Constants)

    7134336 (2022-09-01): Mimir MinimumL1OutboundFeeUSD [unset]->100000000 = 1 USD minimum outbound fee.

    under100k AS (
    SELECT DISTINCT pool_name
    FROM (
    SELECT pool_name, rune_e8
    FROM thorchain.defi.fact_block_pool_depths
    WHERE (pool_name NOT LIKE '%/%') AND (pool_name NOT LIKE 'THOR.%') AND (rune_e8 > 0)AND (asset_e8 > 0) AND (block_timestamp IS NOT NULL)
    QUALIFY (block_timestamp = MAX(block_timestamp) OVER(PARTITION BY pool_name))
    WHERE rune_e8 < 1e5*1e8

    liqfees AS
    SELECT block_timestamp,
    (CASE WHEN ((to_asset LIKE '%/%') OR (from_asset LIKE '%/%')) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) *
    POWER(10,-8) * liq_fee_in_rune_e8 AS synth_liqfee,
    (CASE WHEN ((to_asset LIKE '%/%') OR (from_asset LIKE '%/%')) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) *
    POWER(10,-8) * liq_fee_in_rune_e8 AS native_liqfee,
    AS_CHAR(SPLIT(SPLIT(pool_name, '.')[0], '/')[0]) AS chain
    FROM thorchain.defi.fact_swaps_events
    --WHERE block_id >= 4610718
    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived