Multipartite(Auto-updating) 'insufficient funds for outbound request' (successful) refund attempts, most recent by target asset
    Updated 2023-04-18
    -- Note "refund" events in block results, e.g.

    SELECT block_id, --fact_refund_events.*
    POWER(10,-8) * asset_e8 AS asset_amount,
    TO_CHAR(SPLIT(asset, '-')[0]) AS asset,
    UPPER(SPLIT(SPLIT(memo, ':')[1], '-')[0]) AS target_asset,
    memo, reason
    FROM thorchain.core.fact_refund_events INNER JOIN thorchain.core.dim_block ON fact_refund_events.dim_block_id = dim_block.dim_block_id
    WHERE (
    (reason LIKE '%insufficient funds for outbound request%')
    (reason NOT LIKE '%fail to refund%')
    --Specify that the 'insufficient funds' relates to the target asset.
    QUALIFY block_id = MAX(block_id) OVER(PARTITION BY target_asset)
    ORDER BY block_id DESC
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