Multipartite2023-05-11 Maximum (USD) native outbound fee per day copy
    Updated 2023-05-11
    SELECT DISTINCT DATE_TRUNC('hour', fact_fee_events.block_timestamp) AS time,
    SPLIT(asset, '-')[0] AS coin,
    POWER(10,-8) * asset_e8 AS max_asset_fee_amount
    FROM thorchain.core.fact_fee_events
    WHERE (time IS NOT NULL)
    AND (time >= '2022-08-01')
    AND (asset NOT LIKE '%/%')
    AND (coin IN ('BNB.BUSD', 'AVAX.USDC'))
    QUALIFY max_asset_fee_amount = MAX(max_asset_fee_amount) OVER(PARTITION BY time, asset)
    ORDER BY time DESC

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