Multipartite2023-05-11 THORChain chain-specific uptime comparison
    Updated 2023-05-11
    missed_hours AS (
    SELECT hour,
    DATEDIFF(hour, LAG(hour) OVER(ORDER BY hour ASC), hour) - 1 AS missed_swap_hours
    FROM (
    SELECT DISTINCT DATE_TRUNC(hour, block_timestamp) AS hour
    FROM thorchain.core.fact_swaps_events
    WHERE blockchain = 'ETH'
    --Comment out the above line to remove the blockchain specificity.
    WHERE hour BETWEEN '2022-05-10' AND '2023-05-11'
    --A year's time for comparison with 365 * 24 hours per year.
    QUALIFY missed_swap_hours > 0

    SELECT SUM(missed_swap_hours) AS total_missed_swap_hours,
    SUM(CASE WHEN missed_swap_hours >= 3 THEN missed_swap_hours ELSE 0 END) AS missed_swap_hours_over_threshold,
    --Above, change the threshold for number of missed hours to count as non-'uptime'.
    DATEDIFF(hour, MIN(hour), MAX(hour)) AS hour_range,
    100 * (hour_range - total_missed_swap_hours) / hour_range AS uptime_percentage,
    100 * (hour_range - missed_swap_hours_over_threshold) / hour_range AS threshold_uptime_percentage
    FROM missed_hours
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