Multipartite2022-11-21 Net RUNE sent from pool to {Reserve and node operators} per recorded days (no split by pool)
    Updated 2022-11-21
    to_rest_of_network AS (
    SELECT block_timestamp, DATE(block_timestamp) AS date,
    --SPLIT(pool_name, '-')[0] AS pool,
    -1 * POWER(10,-8) * rune_e8 AS rune_amount
    -- This takes into account block rewards sent to pools and partial liquidity fees sent out of pools.
    -- Here, treating 'the network' as the Reserve and node operators,
    -- not addressing by that liquidity fees from the pool all go to node operators
    -- while block rewards to pools come from the Reserve,
    -- other block rewards also going from the Reserve to node operators.
    FROM thorchain.core.fact_rewards_event_entries

    daily AS (
    SELECT DISTINCT block_timestamp, date, dim_block_id, --pool,
    SUM(rune_amount) OVER(PARTITION BY date/*, pool*/) AS rune_amount
    FROM to_rest_of_network
    QUALIFY block_timestamp = MAX(block_timestamp) OVER(PARTITION BY date/*, pool*/)

    cumulative AS (
    SELECT date, dim_block_id, --pool,
    SUM(rune_amount) OVER(/*PARTITION BY pool */ORDER BY date ASC) AS cumulative_rune_amount,
    COUNT(*) OVER(/*PARTITION BY pool */ORDER BY date ASC) AS pool_days,
    cumulative_rune_amount / pool_days AS cumulative_rune_amount_per_pool_days
    FROM daily

    SELECT date, block_id,
    cumulative_rune_amount, pool_days, cumulative_rune_amount_per_pool_days
    FROM (cumulative INNER JOIN thorchain.core.dim_block ON cumulative.dim_block_id = dim_block.dim_block_id)
    ORDER BY date DESC, cumulative_rune_amount_per_pool_days DESC
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