Applications on Algorand
In this dashboard, we examine the number of wallets that have had an application call transaction in the last 1 year.
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In this dashboard, I will answer this question from Flipside Crypto:
Q108. How have the number of application calls changed in the first 6 months of 2022 compared to the last 6 months of 2021?
Start off by looking at:
Average number of TX calls per block, day
Number of wallets making application calls
Then do your own analysis that shows whether there is more or less application usage on Algorand in the first half of 2022 compared to the 2nd half of 2021.
What Is Algorand?
- Algorand (ALGO) is both a digital currency and blockchain platform. -The Algorand platform is designed to process many transactions quickly, similar to a major payments processor like Mastercard or Visa.
- Algorand can host other cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based projects, making it a direct competitor to Ethereum. ALGO, the platform's native currency, is used to secure the Algorand blockchain and pay processing fees for Algorand-based transactions.
- Algorand is an open-source blockchain, meaning that anyone can view and contribute to the platform's code. Algorand uses an operating protocol called pure proof-of-stake (PPoS), which recruits network operators from the entire pool of ALGO coin holders.
- for more information read Here
> I used the flipside_prod_db.algorand.application_call_transaction table to solve this question and get this data
> I opened a CTE and counted the number of transactions and the number of wallets with the count command, then set a time condition and limited my answers to 1 year ago. > *
> At first, I wanted to get the average transaction recorded in each block and show it on the chart like the date, but in the interval of 6 months, there were many blocks recorded and my query became very heavy. > * For this reason, I counted their number and divided it by the number of transactions
- The chart above shows the total number of transactions that had an application call on a daily basis in the first 6 months of 2022 and the last 6 months of 2021 (last 1 year).
- Observations show that the number of transactions with application calls has had a short-term upward trend since October 2021. On January 1, 2021, the average number of transactions reached 24, while the average number of transactions on the last day of 2021 was 16.
- On the second day of 2022, the average number of transactions has reached its highest level. On this day, an average of 30 application call transactions have been made.
- In the first 6 months of 2022, 3 jumps have been seen, which has increased the average daily number of transactions to more than 15.
- This is while the average number of transactions in the second half of 2021 was a maximum of 16 in the last two days of 2021.
The number of wallets and wallets that are unique also had 3 jumps in the first 6 months of 2022, while only one short-term upward trend can be seen in the second 6 months of 2021.
The number of Unique wallets peaked on January 1, 2022 to January 20, 2022
Another peak will be seen on February 17, 2022 or February 23, as well as on March 4 to March 8. Many unique wallets will be seen
In 2022, most of the changes can be seen in the chart
- The average number of transactions that had application calls in the first half of 2022 is much higher than in the second half of 2021.
- In 2022, three peaks have occurred, one on January 1 to January 18 The next peak occurred on February 17th to February 24th and the last peak occurred on March 4th to March 13th, in which both the number of transactions that had application calls and the number of wallets reached their highest number.
Contact data-> the writer : sajjadsmoke -> discord : sajjadsmoke#5567