ZSaed8.2 degree distribution in
    Updated 2023-03-09
    -- forked from 6beee693-5fd6-4122-a689-cac5462648db

    with flat as (
    with reg as (
    select a.*, parse_json(REGEXP_REPLACE(NODE_DATA,'null','"unfollow"')) as data from
    near.social.fact_decoded_actions a INNER join near.core.fact_transactions b on a.tx_hash = b.tx_hash and b.TX_STATUS ='Success'
    where NODE ='graph'
    and NODE_DATA:follow is not null
    select *
    from reg,
    FLATTEN( INPUT =>data:follow)) )

    , follow as (
    select SIGNER_ID,key, max(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) as date from flat
    where value !='unfollow'
    -- and SIGNER_ID= 'manzanal.near'
    group by SIGNER_ID,key
    ,unfollow as
    select SIGNER_ID,key, max(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) as date from flat
    where value ='unfollow'
    -- and SIGNER_ID= 'manzanal.near'
    group by SIGNER_ID,key
    ,abslot_unfollow as (
    select unfollow.SIGNER_ID,unfollow.key
    from unfollow JOIN follow on(unfollow.SIGNER_ID = follow.SIGNER_ID AND
    unfollow.key = follow.key and unfollow.date > follow.date

    , following_count as (
    select follow.SIGNER_ID as user,count(DISTINCT follow.key) as num_following
    from follow left join abslot_unfollow as b on (
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