L1 Unique Users

    Question 37: Compare the number of unique wallets that have sent a transaction since February 1st on Solana vs Ethereum vs Terra. How does user adoption seem to be trending for Solana compared to these other major chains? Does it appear that market conditions are slowing down growth or activity on the networks?



    In this question, the number of unique wallets that have sent transactions since Feb 1st is compared on the Solana, Ethereum, and Terra platforms. In addition, our analysis for user adoption for Solana is clarified, and it is compared to the other mentioned platforms. Furthermore, we claim how do the market conditions affect its growth or activity on networks.

    The number of unique wallets that have sent transactions since Feb 1st are compared on the Solana, Ethereum, and Terra platforms. According to this figure, the highest and lowest number of wallets belong to Ethereum and Terra, respectively, during this period of time.

    The users’ adoption of the Solana platform has an increasing trend compared to the other platforms. As can be seen, especially in the last days of this interval, the number of wallets for Solana has dramatically jumped to near the number of wallets for Ethereum.

    Regarding the increasing trend of the number of wallets for Solana, it can claim that the market conditions do not affect the growth or activity on Solana. However, since an obvious increase or decrease cannot be seen for Ethereum and Terra, we can claim that the market conditions for these networks are slowing the growth or activity.