Terra Bounties(Bot Swappers)

    Define bot swappers. How does the behaviour of bots differ from average swappers? For instance in terms of number of swaps, or in terms of distribution of swaps over a day. What percentage of swaps were executed by bots in the past 30 days? What pools and what pairs were most popular among bot swappers in the past 30 days.


    In bar chart can see the amount of daily transactions made by bots and the amount of daily transactions made by average users.As we can see: robots make up a small number of swaps compared to average users, most swaps are done by average users.

    In the second diagram, we compare the volume of daily swaps of bots with the average user:

    According to the results we can see that Bot's trade much more volume than average users

    The donut chart below shows that in the last 30 days, bots tend to swap primarily from LUNA to UST over 82% of all transactions done by bots are within the LUNA to UST swap pair

    In the bar chart we see that bot's are primarily swapping from UST to LUNA on a daily basis, with other swap pairs only making up a fraction of the total swaps.