15. New User Challenge

    In this dashboard, we will check out the following metrics; 1. The average transaction fee grouped by hour from the last seven days. 2. Total number of transactions per hour during the last seven days. 3. Total number of failed transactions per hour from the last week. 4. Ratio of failed transactions per hour during the last seven days.


    On average, the cost of a transaction on Solana blockchain is around 0.000006 $SOL (~0.00012 USD). This is much cheaper than other blockchain which is why Solana has a very big fanbase.

    Next, let's see the hourly failed transaction on Solana blockchain. Most hours has around ~240k failed transactions.

    Next graph is showing the total successful hourly transactions on Solana blockchain. In the past 7 days, Solana has had at least 1 million transactions per hour for most hours.

    However, if we plot the failed transaction over total transaction, we can see that failed transactions account to <20% of total transaction on most hours in the past 7 days.

    Last graph shows the total hourly fees collected by Solana. On average, hourly fees collected is around ~ 6.5 $SOL (~$140 USD).

    From the graphs provided above, we can see that the usage of Solana blockchain in the past week has been quite stable and plateau which was reflected in total hourly tx, average hourly gas fees and total gas fees collected. However, there were some random spikes in those metrics which would be a reaction to some random news or dev update.