2. ANCHOR - Pool Players

    What can you use your $ANC for ? Other than staking it for governance, you can also provide liquidity which has higher return APY compared to staking. However, liquidity farming exposes you to impermanent loss especially when paired with stablecoin. In this dashboard, we will investigate what are the attributes of the ANC-UST LP providers and determine whether they using the $ANC tokens claimed from Anchor or they swap ANC from Terraswap.


    First, let's take a look at daily amount of ANC-UST LP provided. We can see that from December onwards, the daily volume of LP provided has stabilized.

    We can also see that the count of unique address providing LP also has increased which is a good thing.


    The attributes that I studied in this dashboard is where does the LP provider acquire the provided $ANC. Do they get it from Anchor rewards from borrowing ? or buy from DEX.

    Some clarification;

    Supply_All_Claimed_ANC = ANC Claimed/ANC Supplied > 0.9 - 1.0

    Supply_Some_Rewards_ANC = ANC Claimed/ANC Supplied > 1.0

    Claim+Bought_ANC = ANC Claimed/ANC Supplied < 0.9

    Bought_ANC = No claims record

    From graph below, most of the LP providers are mainly come from those who claim + bought more ANC and those who supplied bought $ANC. The trend seems to be the same for the past 5 months.