In this dashboard, we will investigate some metrics on active wallet growth on Solana chain.
Firstly, let's find out how many unique wallets are active for the past 7 days (made at least 1 transaction). There are just over 1M (1.077M) unique addresses.
Out of these 1.08M addresses, over 40% of them made only 1 transaction, 55% made between 2-10 transactions and only 4.5% made over 10 txs.
Let's take a look at daily unique addresses year-to-date. From graph below, we can see that daily address has increase from 185K daily active address on 1st Jan to over 270K addresses yesterday. January 22nd records the lowest daily active users. It seems that 22nd was the day Solana network went offline due to congestion as per this article and this tweet.