#4 User Journey and Outflows

    Sushiswap is a Decentralized Exchange, that available on multiple network, Ethereum mainnet, Polygon, Arbitrum, Fantom, BSC etc. It is place where you can do normal DEX stuffs such as swap, supply/remove/farm liquidity, staking etc. In this dashboard, we will take a look at how many users has left Sushiswap (on Ethereum network) and where they went after that. Ethereum gas price has been absurd recently and it will be no surprise if users left Ethereum for good especially with how good other EVM-compatible alternative such as Avalanche, Solana, Fantom are.

    First, let's take a look at daily count of people that left (defined by users who hasn't do any transactions for more than past 30 days). The date = the day user did last transaction and what kind of transaction they did. This query will not show the users that left Sushiswap for good because we can see some of the last transaction type was 'AddLiquidity'. This could be people who are too broke to interact on Ethereum dApps [like me :(] so they just left their assets there. That's passive income 101 for you!


    Based on graph above, we can see that the numbers come in waves for past few months. Most of those users have addliquidity transaction as their last transaction. We are seeing quite high number from mid October. It is also quite nice to know that number are not increasing nor decreasing on May so not many leave because of the May Crash.


    In order to know where they went, I queried the latest transaction from those address. Highest portion of them are seen sending transaction to Binance which may mean they planning to sell. Other CEX seen includes Kucoin and huobi. Left_for_good is those who never really done any transaction after leaving sushiswap. Quite significant number of them still doing transaction on Uniswap.