AAVE Gas Prices and Deposit/Borrow Amounts

    In this dashboard, we will look into the average deposits and borrows per transaction and its relationship to overall gas price on Ethereum.

    Firstly, we all know that Ethereum gas fees are very much nonsense nowadays. Who in the right mind willing to pay $50-$150 for gas just transfer $100. Hence, this is exactly why we seeing Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains became popular as of recent. Many retail users could not afford to pay astronomical transaction fees on Ethereum. Graph below shows the daily average borrows and average deposits into AAVE on Ethereum network.


    Some observations from the graph above.

    1. Average borrow and deposits into/from AAVE are way way higher than what I expect. The lowest daily average borrow was around $300K USD was quite shocking to me. And it goes upward to few millies.
    2. We can see that there are some relationship between the average gas price and average deposits. Maybe more deposits drives the gas up ?
    3. It does seem that average borrows and deposits does have some similarities to the average gas fees.