Recently, @danielesesta and Do Kwon has collaborated and introduced Degenbox Strat where Abracadabra can accept $UST as collateral to borrow $MIM. In this dashboard, we will focus on the usage of $UST on Abracadabra since this is submission for Abracadabra. We will study how has the collaboration with collaboration affecting $UST and Terra ecosystem in general.

    Degenbox strategy was simplified in illustration above. But basically the introduction of this strat has massively accelerate the total supply $UST as more users burn $LUNA to get $UST to bridge to Abracadabra. Graph below shows the volume of aUST bridged to Abracadabra. The reason why the transaction only happens on certain day is because users can only use the Degenbox strat when $MIM is available. There is only specific allocation of $MIM because of they have their money printing procedure which we will discuss in separate dashboard. We can see that every time there is volume of UST bridged to Abracadabra, there was spike in total $UST Supply.


    And because of the basic demand and supply, more $UST produced causing the $LUNA circulating supply to go in opposite direction. Today, we are seeing the total circulating supply of $LUNA at all time low in 2021.

    And when supply goes down, the price of $LUNA goes brrrrr! We're seeing ATH price almost everyday.

    In conclusion, $UST adoption and usage will affect $LUNA marketcap and also price action because of the genius design tokenomics. The indtroduction of $UST to Degenbox definitely plays a role in this surging price action we're seeing now and there's no way to tell if this is sustainable or not. $UST is an inevitable force because of the truly decentralized and algorithmically design. The degenbox strat offers very high return (+100%) on pair of stablecoins which is almost risk-free so if many other blockchain adopts this strategy, $1000 $LUNA is definitely not a dream.