Art Blocks Collections

    Art Blocks Playground are platform where artists who had previously published on AB Curated plays. They are encouraged to be experimental with their arts and AB Playground might just be the place where you find the jackpot. So I believe what decides the price of your piece is the rarity, and we can decide the rarity from the properties traits. Citation p/s: Special shoutout and thanks to brian_#3619(Discord) for the super helpful code for NFT traits that I utilized in this , previous and maybe next dashboard too.


    There are 15 traits for each Ecumenopolis token which are; THEME, PALETTE, LIGHTS, ATMOSPHERE, BLUEPRINT, ARCHITECT, PAINTER, LEAN, COMPLICATION, VERTIGO, WARPING, STACKED, HEIGHT, SCALE and TAKEOVER. Now, let's see the traits that these top 10 has.

    Let's see the top 10 most expensive last sale of Ecumonopolis collection.

    Palette trait is one of the deciding factors as it is the trait that has most options. What we can see from the top 10 most expensive Ecumenopolis, they all have the low count Palette traits such as Lunar, Argon, Rogue, Lunar+Rusted and Mercury.

    Now, let's see which token are now undervalued. These 45 tokens have the 5 rarest palette. I am unable to obtain the listing price from velocity data so after manually browsing Opensea, Ecumenopolis #242 is listed at steal price of 25 ETH.

    Ecumenopolis #242 has mercury palette which is 0.07% of total collection, and has Lights on which only 0.49% have. However I am no art person nor I understand anything about art but I do know that if I ever want to buy something and if I have enough extra ETH to spend, I'd buy something that I like and something that I can flip in the future. So, if I ever decide to get and AB Playground piece, Ecumenopolis #242 is definitely on top of my list.