Delegator Delegation Distribution

    Delegate, undelegate and redelegate is term used in staking activity on Terra Station. Delegate: stake $LUNA token from your Terra wallet to a validator of your choice. Undelegate: withdraw your $LUNA token from validator. This will cause your token to be subjected to 21 days of locking period. Redelegate: change validator without having to withdraw hence no need for 21 days locking period. In this dashboard, we will see how many validators does Terra delegators delegate to.

    In order to get median, we divide our total addresses which is 53,340 by half then we get 26,670. So, the median is 1.


    On average, each delegators delegates to 2.22 validators.


    As of now, there are 53,340 addresses that has delegated to at least one validator.

    From table above, we can see that the most validators a delegator delegate to is 89 followed by 52 and 46 validators at second and third place.
