ETH Staked

    In this dashboard, we will analyze the metrics of $ETH staked on Lido Finance. We will focus on data from the past 90 days.

    First, let's take a look at the daily volume of $ETH staked on Lido Finance. In the past 90 days, highest daily volume staked was on March 15th with 191k+ $ETH staked. The volume since May 14th has been very low and < 1000.

    Graph below shows the daily transaction and address count for the past 90 days. We can see high number of transactions and unique addresses on May 7th, followed by next day.

    When you staked the $ETH on Lido, you will receive $stETH which is a liquid staked $ETH. So, let's take a look at the daily token balance of $stETH vs the price of $ETH. We can see that the token balance of $stETH has increased while the $ETH price has been falling since April.


    In conclusion, the daily volume of $ETH staked on Lido finance has been decreasing with the decreasing $ETH price however the $stETH token balance increased.