Governance Proposal Types

    Governance is a way participation is an important privilege of everyone with stake in the long-term success of Terra. Governance is one of the most fundamental aspects of the blockchain where users may play a part in deciding the path for Terra ecosystem. Proposals are submitted on the network through creating a proposal, depositing some Luna tokens, and reaching consensus through a community vote.

    But eventhough more text proposal are submitted, there are more total voters for standard proposal.


    We can see that the text proposal is almost twice the number for standard proposal. This might be because of the many new protocol that are being introduced to Terra ecosystem so many users want to share their ideas on how to integrate their own protocol into Terra ecosystem.

    While text proposal are for issues that require large directional or decisions requiring human involvement. So, in the graph below we can see the daily cumulative count of standard proposal vs text proposal submitted.

    There are two types of proposal, standard and text proposal.

    Standard proposal are proposal for changes that can be automatically applied such as;

    1. ParameterChangeProposal: changing of blockchain parameters (defined in each module)
    2. TaxRateUpdateProposal: update Tax Rate monetary policy lever
    3. RewardWeightUpdateProposal: update Reward Weight monetary policy lever
    4. CommunityPoolSpendProposal: disbursement from the Distribution module's Community Pool