[Loop] Post-Airdrop Behavior

    LOOP is decentralized exchange on Terra. In this dashboard, we will take a look at what does the claimer do with the airdropped tokens.

    Thus far, there are 30261 addresses that has claimed $LOOP tokens airdropped to them. The most $LOOP claimed is 30359 $LOOP which is equivalent to 29511 $UST at current trading price. The total $LOOP claimed is 4906410.0282189995


    Table above showing the complete activity of all claimers. From the table, we can see what $LOOP airdrop claimers did especially whether they;

    1. Dump (sold) - sold all or sold more than half to $UST
    2. Provide liquidity to $LOOP-$UST pair.
    3. Transfer token to somewhere. Since $LOOP is not available on any CEX, transfer may or not equal to selling.
    4. Buy more $LOOP tokens.

    For summary, we can see that 846 address dumps all their $LOOP tokens airdropped which made up of almost 3% of total claimer and almost 30% dumped more than half of amount claimed. 13% of claimer also buys more and 25% of total has provide liqudity to $LOOP-$UST pair. Surprisingly, more than 30% of claimer did not do anything to $LOOP. The summary of activity is further summarized in chart below.

    ps: sorry I did my chart using Excel. Data are 100% sourced from Flipside Crypto.
