LP Size Distribution

    In this dashboard, we will investigate the LP size distribution on THORSwap Liquidity Pool. For this analysis, we will find out the $RUNE and asset token balance amount. From there, we will denominate the value in USD to get better representation. Notes; we will assume $RUNE = $5 (based on current price on THORSwap as of writing this) and price of other asset are TWAP of 4th May as per table below.


    Graph below shows the current LP position size of 30K+ different addresses. Among those addresses, only 4379 has positive balance of LP (in USD). From graph below, we can see that majority of the THORChain users either has (3. 100 to 1000) or (4. 1000 to 10,000) USD to their balance sheet. These two group made up of 53% of all thor address with positive USD balance.


    In conclusion, we know that most users has from $100 to $10K USD of position in their LP right now. There are only 9 mega whales with 1M to 10M USD in LP. This distribution seems to be healthy as not that many whales available so small retail users like you and me can still reap the liquidity providing rewards.