LUNA Distribution Mvmt 1: The Basics

    $LUNA has faced quite criticism because of large VC backing but I believe VC like Hashed has not only provided capital but also help to grow Terra ecosystem. They recently announce a gaming studio to develop game on Terra so win-win in my book. In this dashboard, we will take a look at the $LUNA distribution and find out whether the distribution is fair or not.

    First of all, let us have a look at the circulating supply of $LUNA.

    Currently, there are 3,386,851 addresses on Terra but only 334,050 addresses has more than 0 to their balance. Currently, the wallet with most $LUNA is the LFG Foundation wallet with 50M $LUNA to the balance. Today, there are currently around 400M of $LUNA in circulation and 38.2% of it are staked.


    TOP 100 Wallet


    Currently, top 100 wallet holds 77.7% of total circulating supply and has been around that number for the past 60 days at least.

    TOP 1%

    We take top 1% of all address that holds more than 0 $LUNA which is 334,050 in total and see how much does 1% of those addresses held.


    Top 10%

    Top 10% by wallet balance that had more than 0 $LUNA liquid or staked.


    In conclusion, top 100 wallets held around 77% of circulating $LUNA, top 1% owns oround 95% and top 10% wallet by wallet address owns over 99% of $LUNA. LFG Foundation wallet currently holding 50M $LUNA which is ~11% of total circulating supply.