Monthly Swap Volume

    In this dashboard, we will take a look at the monthly swap volume that has went through Paraswap aggregator. Paraswap routes your swap transaction through multiple DEX to find the best route, best rates and cheapest transaction available. This analysis focuses on Paraswap transactions on Ethereum network only.

    Graph below shows the monthly swap volume denominated in USD since May 2021. We can see that the volume peaks in November last year where it has over 1.6B USD in swap volume. Ever since November, the swap volume has decreased by quite a bit.


    Next graph shows the swap volume by different DEXes. Any swap transactions will go to other DEXes and gets the best rate and route. From graph below we can see that most of the swaps on Paraswap went to curve. However, the dominance decreases over time and replaced by uniswap-v3. Cumulatively, a total of 10B has been swapped in the past 12 months. Uniswap-v3 has highest total swap volume with over 3.6B USD in the past 12 months.

    In conclusion, we know that the swap volume peaks in November last year, and volume has decreased since then. We also know that uniswap-v3 has become the popular route used users to swap on Paraswap as of recent.
