In this dashboard, we will investigate the number of new active users on Paraswap for the past two months.
Graph below shows the graph of daily new users who made interacted with Paraswap contract address and made a successful transaction. On average, there are 91 new users everyday that first interacted with Paraswap contract address. Highest new users was 132 which occured on two days, 13th March and 6th May.
Paraswap is a DEX aggregator where it can optimises the swap transaction for swappers by routing to other DEX with best rates. Picture below is the frontpage of Paraswap.
In conclusion, DEX is one the most important dApps on crypto space. There are plenty of DEXes out there but Paraswap exists to find best swap route for your assets and get the cheapest fees. The new users on Paraswap has been quite erratic for the past 60 days with highest daily new users of 132 and lowest of 51.