Pooly NFTs

    In this dashboard, we will analyze the Pooly NFTs minting progress. Pool Together is an Ethereum-based lottery platform, launched a collection of NFTs called Pooly which to help them fund a fund the platform’s legal defence against a putative class action lawsuit.


    There are three different collection; Supporter, Lawyer and Judge which are priced at different price point as you can see from snippet of Pooly's website below.

    Let's take a look at the current minted Pooly NFTs collections as of now. In total, 6595 Pooly NFTs has been minted; 6309 for supporter, 285 for lawyer and 1 for judge.


    Now, let's see how many Pooly NFTs token held by each address. This also includes the NFT transfer and secondary sales. Based on pie chart below, we can see that 5529 out of 6002 distinct address owns only 1 token of Pooly. Max Pooly owned by a single address is 20. So the average number held is 6595/6002 = 1.1


    Graphs below shows the daily minting of Pooly NFTs in term of unique addresses, transaction count and ETH volume.

    In conclusion, there are 6002 unique addresses that has minted 6595 Pooly NFTs tokens so the average address held 1.1 Pooly. Max owned by single address is 20. Only one address has minted 1 Pooly - Judge at 75 ETH.