boomer77ETH PRICE
    Updated 2021-10-20
    with raw as (select block_timestamp,
    date_trunc('minute', block_timestamp) as min,
    datediff(seconds, min, block_timestamp) as seconds,
    CASE when seconds = 0 THEN min
    WHEN seconds >0 AND seconds < 15 then min -- round down to 00:00
    WHEN seconds >= 15 AND seconds < 45 then DATEADD('seconds', 30, min)
    WHEN seconds >= 45 AND seconds < 60 then DATEADD('seconds', 60, min)
    ELSE NULL END AS timestamp_30s,
    amount, amount_usd, (amount_usd/amount) as ETH_price
    from ethereum.udm_events
    where symbol = 'ETH' and amount is not null and amount_usd is not null and block_timestamp between '2021-09-15' and '2021-09-23')

    select timestamp_30s, avg(ETH_price) as ETH_price
    from raw
    group by 1
    Run a query to Download Data