boomer77mim + weth sushiswap balance
    Updated 2022-02-07
    with raw as (select *
    from ethereum.erc20_balances
    where user_address = lower('0x07d5695a24904cc1b6e3bd57cc7780b90618e3c4') and balance_date >= '2022-01-23' and symbol in ('WETH', 'MIM')

    price as (select date_trunc('day', hour) as dt, avg(price) as price, symbol
    from ethereum.token_prices_hourly
    where symbol in ('MIM', 'WETH')
    group by 1,3)

    select a.balance_date, a.symbol, a.balance, b.price, (a.balance*b.price) as liquidity_usd
    from raw a
    left join price b on a.balance_date = b.dt and a.symbol = b.symbol
    Run a query to Download Data