boomer77affiliate fees
    Updated 2021-11-12
    with raw as (select date(block_timestamp) as dt, from_e8/1e8 as amount, pool_name, from_asset,
    (right(memo, charindex(':', reverse(memo)) - 1))/10000 as perc, (amount*perc) as fees_collected
    from thorchain.swap_events
    where memo like '%thor1a427q3v96psuj4fnughdw8glt5r7j38lj7rkp8%' or memo like '%thor1r765pfnwehv0rdy3jwyskldugw09fz7exncn2x%'
    or memo like '%thor1e993ue8h3h8cf53c4cf6k9kywp7yfnwnkwhum2%' or memo like '%thor1jc5pa3djjwdm2mqjxee0463q9lth6pedu0flnl%'
    or memo like '%thor13gym97tmw3axj3hpewdggy2cr288d3qffr8skg%' or memo like '%thor1uj0v03uhaxm7judgea2lj8tcwx2x8rz4g7pytm%'),

    price as (select date(block_timestamp) as dt, pool_name, avg(asset_usd) as asset_usd, avg(rune_usd) as rune_usd
    from thorchain.prices
    group by 1,2),

    final as (select a.dt, a.amount, a.pool_name, a.from_asset, a.perc, a.fees_collected, b.asset_usd, b.rune_usd, case
    when a.from_asset = 'THOR.RUNE' then (a.fees_collected * b.rune_usd)
    else (a.fees_collected * asset_usd) end as fees_usd
    from raw a
    left join price b on a.dt = b.dt and a.pool_name = b.pool_name)

    select dt, sum(fees_usd) as total_fees_usd, SUM(total_fees_usd) OVER(ORDER BY dt asc ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS cumulative_fees_usd
    from final
    group by 1

    --thor1a427q3v96psuj4fnughdw8glt5r7j38lj7rkp8, thor1r765pfnwehv0rdy3jwyskldugw09fz7exncn2x, thor1e993ue8h3h8cf53c4cf6k9kywp7yfnwnkwhum2,
    --thor1jc5pa3djjwdm2mqjxee0463q9lth6pedu0flnl, tthor13gym97tmw3axj3hpewdggy2cr288d3qffr8skg, thor1uj0v03uhaxm7judgea2lj8tcwx2x8rz4g7pytm
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