boomer77psp claimers usage
    Updated 2022-05-17
    with raw as (select block_timestamp, tx_hash, event_inputs:amount/1e18 as amount, event_inputs:recipient::string as claimer
    from ethereum_core.fact_event_logs
    where contract_address = '0x090e53c44e8a9b6b1bca800e881455b921aec420' and event_name = 'Claimed' and tx_status = 'SUCCESS'),
    tx as (select *
    from ethereum_core.fact_transactions
    where to_address in ('0xdef171fe48cf0115b1d80b88dc8eab59176fee57') and status = 'SUCCESS' and from_address in (select claimer from raw)

    select date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as dt, count(distinct tx_hash) as tx_count, count(distinct from_address) as claimer_tx, (claimer_tx/13778) as percentage_users, case
    when date(dt) between '2021-11-15' and '2021-11-21' then '$PSP Claim Week'
    when date(dt) < '2021-11-15' then 'before $PSP'
    when date(dt) > '2021-11-21' then 'after $PSP'
    else null end as airdrop
    from tx
    group by 1
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