boomer77sub 1k thorchain
    Updated 2022-04-12
    with raw as (select block_timestamp, pool_name, (rune_amount_usd+asset_amount_usd) as vol_usd, case
    when vol_usd > 1000 then 'Over 1000'
    when vol_usd <= 1000 then '1000 or under' else null
    end as cases
    from thorchain.liquidity_actions
    where lp_action = 'add_liquidity' and pool_name in ('ETH.ETH', 'ETH.USDT-0XDAC17F958D2EE523A2206206994597C13D831EC7', 'BNB.BNB', 'BNB.BUSD-BD1', 'TERRA.UST', 'TERRA.LUNA'))

    select pool_name, cases, sum(vol_usd) as volume_usd, count(block_timestamp) as deposit_count
    from raw
    where cases is not null
    group by 1,2
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