boomer77top 10 swaps
    Updated 2021-11-02
    with counts as (select concat(from_asset,'-',to_asset) as pair, count(distinct tx_id) as swaps_count, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY swaps_count desc) AS rank
    from thorchain.swaps
    group by 1
    order by 2 desc),

    volume as (select concat(from_asset,'-',to_asset) as pair, sum(to_amount_usd) as Volume, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY volume desc) AS rank
    from thorchain.swaps
    group by 1
    order by 2 desc)

    select a.rank, a.pair as swaps_pair, a.swaps_count, b.pair as volume_pair, b.volume
    from counts a
    join volume b on a.rank = b.rank
    order by 1 asc
    limit 10
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