boomer77looksrare top5
    Updated 2023-08-30
    with raw as (select *,
    case when project_name is null then nft_address else project_name end as projz
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales
    where date(block_timestamp) >= current_date - 31
    and price_usd > 0),

    rank as (select date_trunc('week', block_timestamp) as dt, platform_name, projz,
    sum(price_usd) as vol_usd,
    avg(price_usd) as average_price,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY dt ORDER BY vol_usd desc) as rank
    from raw
    where platform_name = 'looksrare'
    group by 1,2,3)

    select dt, platform_name, projz as project_name, rank, vol_usd, average_price
    from rank
    where rank <= 5
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