boomer77average gas yvecrv
    Updated 2021-09-29
    with crv as (select
    date_trunc('week', block_timestamp) as block_week,
    event_inputs:to::string as users,
    event_inputs:value/1e18 as amount_3crv,
    from ethereum.events_emitted
    lower(event_inputs:from::string) = ('0xc5bddf9843308380375a611c18b50fb9341f502a')
    and lower (contract_address) = ('0x6c3f90f043a72fa612cbac8115ee7e52bde6e490')
    and tx_succeeded = 'TRUE')
    select date_trunc('week', block_timestamp) as block_week,
    sum(gas_used) as total_gas_used, avg(fee_usd) as avg_claim_fees_usd
    from ethereum.transactions
    where tx_id in (select distinct tx_id from crv)
    group by 1
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