boomer77wormhole BSC
    Updated 2021-11-25
    with raw as (select
    msg_value:execute_msg:initiate_transfer:recipient_chain::string as chain,
    sum(msg_value:execute_msg:initiate_transfer:asset:amount/1e8) as amount,
    msg_value:execute_msg:initiate_transfer:asset:info:token:contract_addr::string as assets
    from terra.msgs
    where msg_value:contract::string = 'terra10nmmwe8r3g99a9newtqa7a75xfgs2e8z87r2sf' and msg_value:execute_msg:initiate_transfer:asset:info:token:contract_addr::string is not null and chain = 4
    group by 1,3
    order by 2 desc
    limit 50),

    final as (select amount, assets, case
    when assets = 'terra10y3fh64dudq2px5r39ur75l9002d54gf5gz42z' then 'TTT'
    when assets = 'terra1mddcdx0ujx89f38gu7zspk2r2ffdl5enyz2u03' then 'ORION'
    when assets = 'terra1gdapfuda0dxtjc98raemhszntcxty7chyr0wpd' then 'whORION'
    when assets = 'terra127ww0al7uj9vyg7cv2gtcqenhrjzlnq5vaq6dh' then 'whUST'
    when assets = 'terra1yljlrxvkar0c6ujpvf8g57m5rpcwl7r032zyvu' then 'whUSDC'
    when assets = 'terra1tuleqeucunvs9rga3dq5h35ew3ml8uv9a4snzx' then 'whMIR'
    when assets = 'terra1skjr69exm6v8zellgjpaa2emhwutrk5a6dz7dd' then 'whBUSD'
    when assets = 'terra1vlqeghv5mt5udh96kt5zxlh2wkh8q4kewkr0dd' then 'whUSDT'
    when assets = 'terra193c42lfwmlkasvcw22l9qqzc5q2dx208tkd7wl' then 'BTL'
    else null end as currencies
    from raw
    order by amount desc)

    select currencies, amount as volume, 'WORMHOLE' as Bridge
    from final
    where currencies is not null

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