boomer77swap size distribution by chain
    Updated 2021-12-07
    with cat as (select
    from_amount_usd, case
    when from_amount_usd between 0 and 100 then '1_Less_than_$100'
    when from_amount_usd between 100 and 1000 then '2_Less_than_$1000'
    when from_amount_usd between 1000 and 10000 then '3_Less_than_$10,000'
    when from_amount_usd between 10000 and 1000000 then '4_Less_than_$100,000'
    when from_amount_usd between 100000 and 1000000 then '5_Less_than_$1,000,000'
    else '6_Over_$1,000,000' end as categories
    from thorchain.swaps
    where from_amount_usd > 0 and block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - 30),

    total as (select
    sum(from_amount_usd) as total_vol,
    count(distinct tx_id) as total_count
    from thorchain.swaps
    where from_amount_usd > 0 and block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - 30
    group by 1),

    final as (select
    a.blockchain, a.categories, count(distinct a.tx_id) as swap_count, sum(a.from_amount_usd) as volume_usd, case
    when a.blockchain = b.blockchain then b.total_vol else null end as total_vol_day, case
    when a.blockchain = b.blockchain then b.total_count else null end as total_count
    from cat a
    left join total b on a.blockchain = b.blockchain
    group by 1,2,5,6)

    select blockchain, categories, swap_count, volume_usd, total_vol_day, total_count,
    (volume_usd/total_vol_day)*100 as percentage_volume,
    (swap_count/total_count)*100 as percentage_count
    from final
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