boomer77galactic lounge voting
    Updated 2022-01-19
    with voting as (select date(block_timestamp) as dt, voter, case
    when voter = 'terra1fg5g8acntt90n9303cm5fjza9s3newleq4rlmk' then 'Galactic Lounge'
    when voter = 'terra1alpf6snw2d76kkwjv3dp4l7pcl6cn9uytq89zk' then 'Smart Stake'
    else null end as validator,
    proposal_id, option, case
    when option = 'VOTE_OPTION_YES' then 'Yes'
    when option = 'VOTE_OPTION_NO' then 'No'
    else option end as Votes
    from terra.gov_vote
    where voter in ('terra1fg5g8acntt90n9303cm5fjza9s3newleq4rlmk', 'terra1alpf6snw2d76kkwjv3dp4l7pcl6cn9uytq89zk') and tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
    order by block_timestamp desc),

    proposal as (select proposal_id, title
    from terra.gov_submit_proposal),

    final as (select a.proposal_id, a.title, b.dt, b.validator, b.votes, case
    when votes = 'Yes' then 1
    when votes = 'No' then 2
    when votes = 'Abstain' then 3
    else null end as voting
    from proposal a
    left outer join voting b on a.proposal_id = b.proposal_id)

    select *
    from final
    where validator = 'Galactic Lounge' and votes is not null
    Run a query to Download Data