boomer77hop summary
    Updated 2022-06-19
    with totals as (select date(block_timestamp) as dt, contract_address, case
    when contract_address = '0x22b1cbb8d98a01a3b71d034bb899775a76eb1cc2' then 'MATIC'
    when contract_address = '0x3e4a3a4796d16c0cd582c382691998f7c06420b6' then 'USDT'
    when contract_address = '0xb8901acb165ed027e32754e0ffe830802919727f' then 'WETH'
    when contract_address = '0x3d4cc8a61c7528fd86c55cfe061a78dcba48edd1' then 'DAI' end as currency,
    sum(event_inputs:amount/1e18) as volume,
    count(distinct event_inputs:recipient::string) as sender_count, count(distinct tx_hash) as tx_count
    from ethereum_core.fact_event_logs
    where contract_address in
    ('0x22b1cbb8d98a01a3b71d034bb899775a76eb1cc2', --matic
    '0xb8901acb165ed027e32754e0ffe830802919727f', --eth
    '0x3d4cc8a61c7528fd86c55cfe061a78dcba48edd1') --dai
    and event_name = 'TransferSentToL2' and year(block_timestamp) = '2022'
    group by 1,2),

    usdc as (select date(block_timestamp) as dt, contract_address, case
    when contract_address = '0x3666f603cc164936c1b87e207f36beba4ac5f18a' then 'USDC'
    when contract_address = '0x3e4a3a4796d16c0cd582c382691998f7c06420b6' then 'USDT'
    end as currency,
    sum(event_inputs:amount/1e6) as volume,
    count(distinct event_inputs:recipient::string) as sender_count, count(distinct tx_hash) as tx_count
    from ethereum_core.fact_event_logs
    where contract_address in ('0x3666f603cc164936c1b87e207f36beba4ac5f18a', '0x3e4a3a4796d16c0cd582c382691998f7c06420b6')
    and event_name = 'TransferSentToL2' and year(block_timestamp) = '2022'
    group by 1,2),

    price as (select date_trunc('day', hour) as dt, avg(price) as price, symbol, token_address
    from ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices
    where symbol in ('WETH', 'MATIC') and year(hour) = '2022'
    group by 1,3,4),

    lasts as (select a.dt, a.currency, a.volume, b.price as avg_daily_price, case
    when avg_daily_price is null then 1
    else avg_daily_price end as prices,
    (a.volume*prices) as vol_usd,
    a.sender_count, a.tx_count
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