boomer77Top Pool by Swap Volume YTD 2022
    Updated 2022-02-03
    with pools as (select pool_name, sum(from_amount_usd) as vol
    from thorchain.swaps
    where block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    group by 1
    order by 2 desc
    limit 10),

    doge as (select pool_name, sum(from_amount_usd) as "24hrs Vol"
    from thorchain.swaps
    where pool_name = 'DOGE.DOGE' and block_timestamp <= '2022-01-18 01:25:21.951'
    group by 1),

    usdc as (select pool_name, sum(from_amount_usd) as "24hrs Vol"
    from thorchain.swaps
    where pool_name = 'ETH.USDC-0XA0B86991C6218B36C1D19D4A2E9EB0CE3606EB48' and block_timestamp <= '2021-05-07 06:40:55.488'
    group by 1),

    btc as (select pool_name, sum(from_amount_usd) as "24hrs Vol"
    from thorchain.swaps
    where pool_name = 'BTC.BTC' and block_timestamp <= '2021-04-12 09:46:16.317'
    group by 1),

    ltc as (select pool_name, sum(from_amount_usd) as "24hrs Vol"
    from thorchain.swaps
    where pool_name = 'LTC.LTC' and block_timestamp <= '2021-04-12 11:09:42.489'
    group by 1),

    eth as (select pool_name, sum(from_amount_usd) as "24hrs Vol"
    from thorchain.swaps
    where pool_name = 'ETH.ETH' and block_timestamp <= '2021-04-12 09:43:20.446'
    group by 1),

    bnbeth as (select pool_name, sum(from_amount_usd) as "24hrs Vol"
    from thorchain.swaps
    where pool_name = 'BNB.ETH-1C9' and block_timestamp <= '2021-04-17 20:59:38.933'
    group by 1),
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