boomer77days since first tx LP
    Updated 2021-12-01
    with remove_lp as (select from_address, pool_name, sum(rune_amount_usd+asset_amount_usd) as liquidity_removed
    from thorchain.liquidity_actions
    where lp_action = 'remove_liquidity' and block_timestamp between '2021-11-17' and '2021-11-24'
    group by 1,2),

    first_tx as (select from_address, min(date(block_timestamp)) as dt, (CURRENT_DATE - dt) as days_online
    from thorchain.transfers
    where from_address in (select from_address from remove_lp)
    group by 1),

    final as (select a.from_address, sum(a.liquidity_removed) as liquidity_removed, b.days_online, case
    when days_online < 30 then '<1_month_old'
    when days_online between 30 and 60 then '<2_month_old'
    when days_online between 60 and 90 then '<3_month_old'
    when days_online between 90 and 120 then '<4_month_old'
    when days_online between 120 and 150 then '<5_month_old'
    else 'over_5_months' end as address_age
    from remove_lp A
    left outer join first_tx B on a.from_address = b.from_address
    where a.liquidity_removed > 1 and b.days_online is not null
    group by 1,3)

    select address_age, count(distinct from_address)
    from final
    group by 1
    order by 1 asc

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