boomer77wbtc-usdc lp
    Updated 2023-05-01
    --swappers are same as lpers?? - do analysis, how many swappers has LP position
    --usual LP add vs remove
    --top 10 lp providers
    with lp as (select block_timestamp, tx_hash, action, LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER,
    amount0_adjusted, amount1_adjusted,
    amount0_usd, amount1_usd, (amount0_usd+amount1_usd) as lp_vol, case
    when action = 'DECREASE_LIQUIDITY' then (lp_vol*-1)
    when action = 'INCREASE_LIQUIDITY' then lp_vol
    else null end as vol
    from ethereum.uniswapv3.ez_lp_actions
    where pool_address = '0x99ac8ca7087fa4a2a1fb6357269965a2014abc35'
    and date(block_timestamp) >= current_date - 31
    and liquidity > 0
    order by block_timestamp desc)

    select date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as dt, action,
    count (distinct tx_hash) as tx_count,
    count (distinct LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER) as address_count,
    sum(vol) as volume_USD
    from lp
    group by 1,2

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